Tuesday 10 June 2008

All goes well and then goes wrong!!!

Great flight from Manchester with BA and arrived New York 30 mins early. Superb in flight entertainment and pretty good food as well.

Managed to get a exit seat so loads of leg room - could not ask for better - well done BA.

Breezed through immigration control - 30mins from getting off plane till standing outside the airport, not bad eh.

Shuttle through to Newark was pretty good and further shuttle to hotel good. Staying at Days Inn at Newark and it is clean and roomy, nice hotel.

Then the sh*t hits the fan....phoned shipping company to arrange collection of bike which arrived Newark on Sunday and have been told that customs want to carry out an in depth examination of the bike before they will release it. OK, I have no problem with that as I know there is nothing wrong with the bike that will worry customs, when can they do it?

They can't say!!! They will not give a time in case it is not done in that time and I complain about them. Is it likely to be days, weeks or months??? - cannot say, they will do as and when they do it. Help!!!! After being on a high I am now lower than a snakes belly. Have been told to phone the shipping company on a daily basis to see if it has been done yet. I get the feeling that I will be in NY for at least a week, which will have serious consequences for the trip. May well have to turn back without reaching the Pacific.

Have phone the shipping company again and they will try to point the examination team towards the bike but don't hold your breath. Have got to phone at 10am tomorrow.

Hope tomorrow brings better news.

A very pissed off Nick and Jed


Kez said...

absolute nightmare. cant believe this is happening.. its the last thing you need.
chris said is it worth contacting the british embassy?? they may be able to help somehow in speeding things up.
keep us posted and keep your chin up.
im sure things will turn out right in the end.
lots of love.xxxxxxx

eldest daughter! said...

What a pain in the bum- hopefully will all be sorted. Have to enjoy the sunshine whilst in new york. Let us know what happens. Love you lots xx

The Evans's said...

sorry to hear bad news, is there such thing as an Ed Doolan style local radio phone in who might take pity on adventurous english mans plight? stay positive and take in some sights, Grand Central Station is a must see!
Love Jackie and gang xx