Friday 13 June 2008

Still in New York

Customs being a right pain in the ass and have still not examined my bike. I have a release form from a different section of customs but the bike cannot be released until it has been examined and I still have no idea when that will be done. Neither does the shipping company although they are trying to contact the examination team to move things on.

They apparently class my bike as unusual so are concerned as it may be drug related?????

As of today, Friday, the port storage unit also start charging me storage, one problem after another.

The customs examination team do not work weekends so i"m afraid that I am stuck in the hotel till at least Monday - at least the weather is still good.

Went back into NY today and went to the Bodies exhibition, really good and very interesting. I then went to ground zero and went into the little church right next door which was not damaged at all when the buildings came down although the church yard was filled with debris. I left a Isle of Man Constabulary badge on a stand in the church which had literally hundreds of badges on it from all over the states and some from the UK including 2 british helmets.

I then managed to get lost on the underground, catching a express instead of a local train and passing my stop by about 8 station!!!! ended up in the Bronx - got to the return platform pretty darn quick and onto the proper train I can tell you.

Had a very pleasant walk in central park for about an hour before heading back to Times Sq for the bus back to Newark airport and the shuttle to the hotel.

Got the weekend to fill now - reading I guess!!!!

1 comment:

Kez said...

didnt fancy stopping at a hotel in the Bronx then? might be cheaper than new york!!
its really crap that almost a week of your trip is over and you are still stuck where you started. at least you can do some sight seeing tho.
Its nice that you left a badge at ground zero. how did the church manage not to get affected?
lisa said why not see if chicago is on in broadway.. something to do.
will email you some pics of Renia to cheer you up!
take care and keep us up to date.
love always.
Kez and Lisa. xxxxx