Monday 16 June 2008

Things Move On!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

At last its Monday 16th June and I have my bike. Yipppppeeeeee!!!! I can get going.

Spent yesterday (Sunday) at a local shopping mall, boy the clothes are real cheap over here, same price in dollars as in pounds back home, however the Mall did not have a book shop or a Dunkin Donuts (yet to get in one). I was hoping to waste time by looking around and reading in a book store but no such joy. So after about 3 hours at the mall it was back to the hotel in order to chill and watch TV. American TV is very strange, take the Simpsons for instance - the play the opening credits then break for an add break, there are a further 3 add breaks during the show and immediatly after then they go back just for the closing credits. We slag off our tv but at least we have a limited number of ads or none at all on the beeb.

Anyway, got up Monday and phone the shipping company but they had heard nothing from the inspection team, so I decided to take a bus ride back into Newark to re-visit the customs people I called on Thursday. Walked in and the customs man says "What you still doing here, you should have been away on Friday"

Explained that there was still a block on the bike and he grabbed my papers and went to speak to his supervisor, leaving me at the counter.

Some 3/4 hrs later he comes back and tells me he has been busy firing e mails all over the shop and that at last he has gotton the release sorted out. (sometimes it does help being ex police - I think) So........Hightail back to the hotel and grab motorcyle kit and grab a taxi to the port and sort the papers out.

Storage costs at the port due to customs messing about was only $23 so that was not too bad. Paid up and at last I can get to the bike.............only to find..............some bar steward has had it away with the registration plate!!!!! Can't trust anyone.

So, back to the hotel and fretting about where I can get a plate made. Spoke to the hotel janitor and explained the situation and he comes out with two pieces of clear perspex, reg number printed out on computer (Black on White I'm afraid officer) and slipped between the two pieces of perspex and drilled and screwed to the bike and I'm set. It will do till I can get one made up during the trip.

Anyhow, it is now 4pm on Monday so have decided to hit the road at about 8am tomorrow. Decided to modify the route and head straight to Chicago and do Niagara on the return leg, by doing that I calculate that I will only be about 2 days behind.

Next problem will be getting across the Mississipii river as it has burst its banks due to heavy rain over the last week although the weather is forecast better so I hope the roads will be passable by the time I get in the area. As they say, I will cross that river when I get to it - or not as the case may be.


Kez said...

suppose you cant help but laugh really.. why the hell would someone pinch your paltes???
at least you have some dodgy ones fitted for now so you are good to go!
Have a fantastic trip, and keep in touch.
love you lots. xx

The Evans's said...

Start spreading the news your leaving today,make a brand new start of it,its up to you to leave New York, New Yorrrrkkkk!!

The birthdays not too bad after all have a great trip yaull

talk to you soon
Jackie and Steve x

Phil said...

Hi Nick, great that you are able to start your adventure at last. Red Tape EH!!!!
will keep reading as you keep on rolling, hope the wheels don't get too wet, it'll be just like being on the Island. ride Safe. Phil & all at IOMAM