Got up this morning and we made our way to the dock in order to drop off Blackie. No problems getting there as I had had a dummy run yesterday, I also remembered the worse of the potholes and avoided them, clever eh.
Stopped at the dock gates to give information and get directions to Customs for clearance, get back on the bike, press the starter....................and......................nothing, well a few clicks but no spinning engine!!!!!!!!!! Ahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! Remove the seat, fiddle with the terminals on the battery (Oh madam!) and...........................nothing!.
Reckon the rectifier has burnt out (part of the charging circuit) as I had one go on a previous Blackbird. Will start fine with a push or a jump start, but not under its own steam. Anyway, helped out by Port Security who gave me a jump start and got me to the customs shed where all paperwork was sorted within 10 minutes, off to the shipping shed where there was a long queue, so switched off engine. Mistake. Came out 30 mins later and ..............nothing. Kind man gives me a jump start, and I ride her to her allocated position in the shed to await her placement on the boat back to Southampton on 8th August. Left big note on top of tankbag to effect that battery is under seat and how to get seat off (have heard horror stories about people ripping off side panels to get at batteries - don't want that to happen)
Why did she pick that moment to stop running? Does she have feelings and knows that the trip is over? Is she sad that she is being left by myself and Jed? Who knows, but I will have a nice new rectifier to put on her when we are re-united in Southampton in a few weeks time.
Some numbers for you.
Total distance covered 7974 miles.
Money spent on petrol, $844.00.
Amount of petrol. 201 gallons US
Average mpg. 40 mpg US
Money on hotels and camping $3930.77 Including first week in New York.
Average cost per night $78.61 or 40 English pounds per night, don't forget, I am getting on and like a bit of comfort so didn't stop at any old place you know.
I have booked my train up to NY and a shuttle from Newark Airport to JFK for tomorrow, so this may be the last post till I get home. We will see!
cant believe the bike has done that to you!!- must know its the end of the road and wanting a good rest.
Hope you had a wonderful time and it was everything you imagined.
Have a safe journey home
Love you lots and see you soon.
at least it decided to bugger up now and not weeks ago. nightmare!
have a very safe trip home and dont forget to let me know when you arrive on the island.
love you loads. xxxxxxxxx
Cant believe its over - time has flown by,
Safe journey home to Sumer Isle and Lady Summer Isle
hi Nick
ah your bike knew what it was doing got you back safe then wanted a rest safe trip home see you soon
loz and neil
Hi Nick,
Great to see you made it, when can we look forward to the "all the way round " DVD? Really enjoyed reading about your adventure. Blackie did you proud, only giving out right at the end, bit like the car in the Blues Brothers only not quite as drastic. Have a safe trip home, maybe get to hear all the bits you didn't have time to write about sometime .
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