Thursday, 24 July 2008

Jed wants waterwings for his birthday.

Can't believe it says Jed, yet another soaking!!

Stopped last night after only travelling 107 miles from Niagara. Stopped due to running into a heavy thunderstorm, I could see that it was not the first of the day as all the gardens alongside the road were flooded. Anyhow, stopped at a place near Five Fingers Lakes, perhaps that should tell me something - lakes equal rain or the other way around perhaps.

Got up this morning and as the motel did not have Internet I hung around till 10 to use the local library. The result of that was the previous postings. Left the Library at 11 to be greeted by dark skies and the rumble of thunder, being a total wimp who does not like rain, I clambered into full waterproofs and started out for Scranton (base for one of my favorite comedies, American Office) and Newark (to buy a case to fill with stuff from the panniers).

We had not travelled more that 1/2 mile when, youv'e guessed it, the heavens opened. It threw it down, so bad that for about 20 miles I rolled along following the tail lights of a car in front of me at 10 to 20 mph. There were cars parked both side of the road waiting for the rain to stop, but twit here plods on. I was already wet (on the outside of the waterproofs, not too bad inside) so did not see the need to stop, plus there was no where to shelter. Eventually we came into the next town and the road was by now awash, and I mean awash almost to the point of flooding, so discretion being the better part of valour we pulled off the road and onto a garage forecourt to get out of the rain. Sat on the bike for about 15 mins in full waterproofs before the rain slowed enough to carry on.

By the afternoon the sun was out again and it was warming up nicely. The ride down through Scranton was very nice with gentle rolling wooded hills, a real pleasure to be on the bike. Have stopped just south of Scranton and spotted a 100 store mall about 10 miles back, so will look for a bag there in order to save a trip to Newark, I will make to Gettysburg where I will spend a few days exploring the battlefields etc.

Jed says that it has rained everyday since Chicago, and wonders why that is. I've told him that I think it is down to end of road trip blues and that when he gets back home to Summer Isle the sun will be out every day.(OK mark and Marie)

Have sent apologies to Lisa for the digicam and they have been accepted very nicely, thanks Lisa. I will put matters right no matter what you say, so there!

Jed is looking forward to getting back into his own bed before he starts planning next years adventure, he says you have to plan early so that you can bore everyone for the maximum time - don' know what he means.




AAAWWWWW the feel of the sun in Summer Isle!!
Youd idnt get deported on the bridge then?


eldest daughter! said...

Hi Dad,
Hope you have a great final week.
Dont expect too much of a summer when you get back- we have so far had 3-4 sunny days so thats probably it!
Please stop apologising for the camera- there are much bigger things to worry about than a camcorder. I just hope all your previous fottage has not been lost.

Take care and have a safe flight home.
Love you xx

The Evans's said...

Hi Nick

Great photos, just one concern where was Jeds poncho and flip flops? I dont know eh, and you criticise the bloke with a dog in a small box on his motorbike in full sun! Ha!
Cant believe your trip has gone so quick enjoy your last few days, and hope you and your bikes journey back home go without any hitches
See you soon
Jackie, Steve and James x