Saturday 5 July 2008

On the move again

Well, July 4th was spent doing the tourist stuff in Seattle, went up the Space Needle to get some great views over the city - look it up on the net, its pretty good although I don't suppose everyone would like the outside lifts.

Last night I went to the baseball game here in Everett. The game was pretty good although it would have helped if I knew the rules! And those "fly balls" really shoot off in all directions. At least 3 balls were clipped skyward and landed in the stand where I was behind home base. People in the crowd actually watch the game wearing catchers gloves as any ball that goes into the crowd is for keeps.

The atmosphere was great, as you would expect from the Americans, and very patriotic. The whole event seems to revolve around the kids with free give aways throughout the game and between each innings there were small competitions with pretty fair prizes. A great family outing. The fireworks were also very good and would rival the TT fireworks for display and duration - and when you consider that this is a small baseball team and they have fireworks at every game this week (6) its a pretty good deal.

The only thing I still cannot get over is how much these people eat, it was constant grazing, Glen, you would love it here!

Today I am back on the bike and heading just a little further west to reach the true Pacific coast before I turn back and start heading East. I am heading for a small place named "Seaside" which is fairly apt I think. The GPS system shows the distance from here to be 239 miles so I had better crack on.

And for all of you that are interested in the state of my backside, here is a brief update. It seems OK for about 80 miles then the pain starts right up, it does not seem to be getting any better but seems to recover a little quicker when I get off the bike. Trying to keep it to 60 mile stints but that does not always work as I get carried away and end up doing 100 miles at a time, the last 20 in some discomfort - this is supposed to be a pleasure I believe.


eldest daughter! said...

Hey dad,
back from kos and finally able to catch up on all your news.
Sounds like you are having a great time, seeing new things everyday.
4th July is something else isnt it? we spent it in disneyworld one year and couldnt move for all the people, food and fireworks.
Knew you would get caught with your number plate one of the days- must of been having a bad day- misery!
Thanks for the birthday greetings- really appreciate it. Had a great hols, lots of lovely sunshine- but now back to the rain! Good old Brum!
Start new job on Tue- bit scared, but sure i will be fine
Love you lots xxxx

Kez said...

hi dad
just read up on all your blogs. glad you are enjoying yourself!
seems to be going really fast.. how many weeks left now?
Renia sends her love.. she is growing up fast.. right little chatterbox now!
anyway, take care.
love you lots. xxx