Wednesday 2 July 2008

Seattle - that must be the half way point.

Well, I have now covered 3300 miles and I have reached the outskirts of Seattle - well I'm in Everett actually, the home of Boeing.

Last night I camped out about 6 miles outside Coulee Dam town and rode into town for tea and the evening laser show which was at about 10pm. Whilst having tea it poured down with rain which was actually quite nice as it took the edge of the 103 degree temperature a little. At 10pm I made my way to the dam where they project lasers onto the dam wall face after upping the water rate a little to create the screen. The show last 35 mins and tells the tale of the creation of the dam, it was all pretty good and I'm glad I made the slight detour of route US2.

After the show I rode back to the campground to find that for some reason my tent had leaked, and as I was on a slight slope, I had nearly an inch of water near the front of the tent. I knew a dirty T shirt would come into use for something - a rain water mop! Luckily my kit had all remained dry, so after about 10 mins mopping out I could get into a dry sleeping bag.

Woke early, AGAIN today, and on the road at 7.30am. Started off riding in shirt sleeves as once again it was red hot even at this unearthly hour.

The ride today was great, some of the best scenery that I have seen on this trip. It started in the almost desert conditions near the Coulee Dam, progressed across wide plains where wheat was growing then dropped down off the plain into a valley down some beautiful biking roads, with eagles as company. After dropping down the valley it was into an area of orchards where apples, pears, plums, nectarines and cherries were growing. I then came to the alpine village at Leavenworth, which is styled on a Bavarian village, and is an absolute treat with its German style shops and shop keepers dressed in Bavarian costume. The backdrop to the village is also stunning as its backed by high mountains topped with snow. I then followed a cracking rapid filled river before climbing through the Cascade mountains before dropping down towards Seattle. Thrilling riding.

I also stopped at the "town" of Douglas, and guess what, it was closed! It consists of about 6 houses and one shop, which was shut. There was also an old decrepit fire engine - not really like Douglas on the island!

I arrived at Everett at 4pm today, and got talking to a local, I happened to mention that my bike needed an oil change, and he pointed me to a Honda dealer not 5 minutes away. I called in and spoke to the receptionist, and she took the bike right off me and the oil was changed within 30 minutes, together with a brake and chain check, and all for $65.00. Now that is what I call service, they even washed the bike as well. Tommy Leonard was never like this!!

Have now booked into the Best Western Hotel for a 3 night stay. My rooms get better, this one has even got its own private kitchenette, and the biggest, softest bed I have been in. The only downside is that I still cannot download my photos, so will have to try to find an internet cafe.

Tomorrow I intend to visit the Boeing factory for a tour and on Friday 4th July, I will be trying to take in a ball game in Everett.

I will keep you all posted.

1 comment:

Phil said...

Hi Nick,
Having a couple of days off the bike will be great after
3300 miles, a few things come to mind.
1. The bum must be ok now, you haven't mentioned it for a while.

2. I bet your glad your paying US fuel prices.

3. Hope you've got lots of photo's ( you can't do trip like this and remember everything).

4. Even if it doesn't need it, get the bike serviced before you bring it home ( at those prices and with that level of customer service you'd be daft not to).

Enjoy your rest days. look forward to reading the next leg.