Sunday 24 February 2008

Plans move ahead

Well it is now February 2008 and plans move apace with my forthcoming trip to the states.

I have booked to fly to New York on June 9th (tickets in my hot sweaty hand) and the next thing is to get the bike booked on a boat as freight.

I have spoken to a dutch shipping firm that ship vehicles from Southampton to New York, with 2 or 3 sailing a month. Have spoken to the agent and he has said he will have no problem in fitting my bike on the boat so to ring him in May and he will ensure that my bike is shipped across to New York by around the 9th June. The boat trip is some 10 days or so.

In view of this I will be taking my bike from the Isle of Man by ferry to Liverpool and then riding down to Southampton on 19th May (visiting my folks in Birmingham on the way). I will then fly back to the Isle of Man on the 21st May, in time for the TT races and will then fly out to Manchester on 8th June and to New York on the 9th.

I have also arranged to contact an american insurance firm that can arrange insurance for me and the bike for a 3 month period, but again that cannot be sorted until May.

I will post again in the coming days when I will lay down my route a little better.

Not many weeks to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

eldest daughter! said...

Dad, hope you have a wonderful trip we will be thinking of you every step. Please drive safely- its not you its the others on the road. Please come home safe. Love you heaps

enjoy Love lisa xx