Monday 25 February 2008

Route June 2008

So, where am I going?

After landing in New York I will collect my Blackbird from the docks and away we go. 1st stop is a camping store on the outskirts of NY where I will buy myself a tent and sleeping bag (cheaper than taking one across from the Isle of Man). The idea is that after Chicago I will alternate between camping and staying in motels, this will hopefully save a little cash.

Anyway, first stop will be Niagra Falls from where I will travel into Canada and around the top of Lake Erie and to Detroit where I intend to visit the Henry Ford museum at Dearborn. I will then drop down to Toledo and pick up the US20 and start heading west.

As far as possible I intend using 2 lane roads and avoid the interstate all together. So, next point is Chicago follwed by Dubuque, Sioux City, and on through the Badlands to Mount Rushmore folloed by Devils Tower (Close Encounters of the Third Kind fame) and onto Buffalo.

Next along will be Cody followed closely by Yellowstone National Park and the Tetons where I will spend something like 5 days before continuing onto Idaho Falls and Boise before heading up to Portland and the West coast. Phew, half way!!

I will then head north and up to Seattle, again spending some time there and visiting the Boeing factory before I head East and the home leg.

This will take me up and over the Rockies via Spokane, Road to the Sun and out onto the great plains following US2 till it eventually reaches Duluth and Lake Superior (those few words covered about 2,000 miles) I will follow the south coast of Superior then north coast of Lake Michegan before crossing into Canada again at Sault Ste. Marie, follwing the road through Sudbury, North Bay and on to Ottawa.

From Ottawa and onto Montreal before turning south and down through Vermont and New Hampshire to Boston and around the coast and back to NY.

It all sounds so simple eh! A round trip of some 7,500 miles and just under 10 weeks to do it.

More to follow.

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