Tuesday, 1 July 2008


I was hoping to publish a photo of Jed and officer osborne but this computer will not let me. The next time I am in a hotel I will publish, trust me!!!!


Chris said...

Glad to hear that Jed is looking after you and mixing with the right people. Hope bike is still doing you proud and that you are in fine fettle yourself.Bet that farmer's tan is coming on a treat.

The Evans's said...

Hi Nick
Sorry its been a while since last message! My mind is still on Pebble Beach in Kos. Well sounds like your having a brilliant time freezing one minute and sunstroke the next whats that all about! So glad you managed to see a moose and babes and a bears bum to boot. Have you grown a beard yet? and what about your first tattoo? could be one of Jed holding Isle of Man flag and Star spangled banner ha! Look forward to next chapter
Jackie, Steve and James xx