Saturday 14 June 2008

Guess what - still New York

Up and into New York again today (getting repetitive eh!). Decided to visit the American Natural History Museum which is next to Central park. This was about a 35min walk from where I get dropped of on 42nd street and boy was it warm again this morning. The museum is supposed to be free admission but you are expected to pay $15.00 which I suppose isn't too bad.

The museum covers 4 floors and is huge, I skipped quite a bit and did not read all the lables but I was still in there over 4 hours. The stuffed animals of every size and the dinosaurs are tremendious however I did find some pottery from the inca's a little tiring.

After the museum went again into central park where I just chilled - in 90 degree heat - oh yeah!!! At about tea time it started to spot with rain and suddenly every person, who 5 mins earlier were in t shirt and shorts, have all got umberellas - How the hell do they do that?

It was like when we used to go to motorcycle racing meeting in the UK and the car park would be full of motorcycles - I mean upward of a thousand. We would pay to get in and believe it or not every single person was dressed in shorts and T shirts and there was not one piece of leather to be seen anywhere. Then at the end of the racing you would go back to the bike and everyone was in leather. I still don't know what happened between the car park and the race trick.

Anyway I have found out that there is a free courtesy bus from Newark airport to a local out of town shopping mall so that looks as if that will be my fathers day tomorrow. At least I may be able to celibrate that and my forthcoming birthday (Tuesday) by visiting a Dunkin Donuts, you never know.


eldest daughter! said...

hope you have a good fathers day, even though i know you are not where you wanted to be by today. Hope everything starts hurrying up for you next week. Enjoy your doughnut. Lots of love lisa and john xx

Kez said...

happy fathers day!
have a good day at the mall.
enjoy your doughnut.. treat yourself to 2!!!!
fingers crossed things will hurry up for you next week.
love always
Kerrie, Chris and Renia. xxxx

Louise McCulloch said...

Hi Guys. can't believe your stuck!!!new yor sounds amazing, if hot. hopefully things will be resolved soon, then you can get on your way. have a great birthday on tuesday.missing you at work, take lots of photos. we will need lots to look on nights!!! stay safe Lou,Andy and abigail xxxx

horsetales said...

hi Nick what a pain over your bike surely common sense will prevail sound like your enjoying New York but I am sure you ll be getting impatient and ready to get on with trip
missing you at work
lots of luck
Lorraine and Neil

exteamm8 said...

omg! can't believe it of all the luck! never mind you can come back to work then hehe joanne

Hils said...

Come on Nick,

I thought you had this all planned out. Hurry up and go somewhere else We're all bored of New York.

Seriously mate hope you get your bike sorted soon. Hils

The Evans's said...

Hi Nick
Hope today has brought better news on the bike front! Mom and Dad are really dissapointed for you, can't believe them suspecting you of drug smuggling! Steve said if you want a really cheap meal try Tad's Steakhouse chain in NY, Steak cooked while you wait served with a big dollop of mash with a well of melted butter in the middle and a Bud all served on a wobbly plastic tray,rough round the edges but meal really tasty,its where the real New Yorkers eat! Beware which chain you pick, Steve took a photo outside of the place and when photos developed it was next door to a Peeporama Sex show shop, Classy huh! Try to have a Happy Birthday tomorrow,stick a candle in your donut, thinking of you
Love Jackie and gang